Our BlogScott Patton Spotlight

At Alinea Group, Scott provides ongoing support, data analytics, pharmacy billing and charge capture. He also works to bring consulting support to various hospital systems through his expertise as an EMR and pharmacy systems subject matter expert.
How long have you been a part of the Alinea-Group?
I have been with Alinea for just under 2 years now.
What brought you to the company?
I have wanted to be a part of the company since I first interacted with them as a part of my covered entities 340B team. The Alinea team was bright, engaged, and extremely helpful to our hospital.
How do you best describe your role?
I am the Epic and Clarity SQL subject matter expert. I have over 15 years of experience with Epic, and over 10 years of experience with SQL, specifically the Epic Clarity data model. I help CEs build and troubleshoot their data feed, as well as provide support for the Willow application build required for the 340B program.
What do you enjoy about your work with Alinea?
I like being able to help navigate the complexity of Epic and 340B and sharing that knowledge with hospitals that may not have the expertise on staff. I also like to learn the intricacies of each build instance, because no two Epic installs are ever the same!
Where did you grow up? As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I grew up in Columbus, OH, and have lived here almost my whole life. As a kid, I never really knew what I wanted to be, and as a bigger kid now, I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
What hobbies or passions keep you grounded?
My passion is my family. I enjoy hanging out with them and traveling with them. We have three children who happen to be interested in soccer. A lot. I love getting to watch them play for their travel teams as well as getting to any Columbus Crew and USMNT games we can find. Can’t wait for World Cup 2026!
Favorite books or music?
I don’t read as much as I would like to. I will eventually get there, but not today. If I read anything, that isn’t about SQL or computer programming, it will be some sort of Science Fiction. As far as music goes, I am a 70s and 80s rock fan, much to the embarrassment of my kids. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂