Our BlogIndustry Stand-Out Tom DiPiro Joins Alinea Group

The Alinea Group is pleased to announce the addition of Tom DiPiro to their team of industry experts and thought leaders. DiPiro brings value to Alinea’s diverse team with his extensive knowledge and background in pharmacy, value-based care, business, and health economics/outcomes.
The provider pharmacy segment as it relates to emerging technologies and value-based care is highly specialized and bringing an expert resource like Tom onboard adds instant value to our team, said Tim Olmstead, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of The Alinea-Group. “Tom is a trained generalist with an exceptional understanding of pharmacy from medicine and operations to economics and patient care.”
Bringing Award-Winning Experience and Intellect to the Alinea Team
Tom DiPiro is an award-winning thought leader in health system pharmacy operations with over seven years of experience in sterile/non-sterile/hazardous drug operations, automation and robotic technologies, value-based care models, clinical and claims data analytics, 340B, clinical pharmacy services, and strategic leadership. Pharmacy consulting experience including software application development (SaaS), new startup ventures, pharmacy construction and launch, and hazardous drug compliance. His industry work background includes large academic medical centers, small business leadership, accountable care organizations, retail pharmacy programs, and startups.
“Joining the Alinea Group as both a subject matter expert and advisor provides an opportunity for me to leverage my professional background to expand and influence this team’s exceptional work with healthcare systems needing an expert resource,” said Tom DiPiro. Partnerships are invaluable, and I hope my reputation and relationships empower this group to grow.”
Enhancing and Expanding the Alinea-Group’s Influence In the Pharmacy Consulting Segment
DiPiro’s role with the Alinea-Group will focus primarily on business development, general advisory, strategy partnerships, structured problem solving, operations, finance, and pharmacy operational improvement.
He will also support the team with lean thinking, assessing and impacting Alinea’s core business lines. Forecasting ahead, DiPiro will support the team with product/service development, product site testing, and expanding business partnerships including personal and professional endeavors that may be synergistic.
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